Bites Restaurant in Forest Grove
Between 2010 and 2017 Forest Grove’s population grew by 12.8% making it among Oregon’s top 10 cities in the state. Clearly Forest Grove is on the move! But, the real news is HOW we’ve grown – across all sectors: residential commercial and industrial. Not only are we adding jobs our wages are rising. Our existing homes and business space are filling up and we are building more to meet demand. New construction has included everything from homes and apartments to industrial space and commercial sites with some of the most exciting new development is happening in our distinctly diverse downtown. Even our reputation as a tourist destination is growing.

Jesse Quinn Apartments in downtown
Let’s look at the city’s metamorphosis by the numbers. In the last five years:
- Median household income has increased 15.1% (totaling $54503) faster than the Portland metro area or state of Oregon as a whole. At the same time the city’s poverty rate dropped dramatically by 40%.
- There has been $23.6 million in new commercial development including a new shopping center. While nearly 140000 square feet in new commercial space has been built or committed the commercial vacancy rate has fallen to 0.8%.
- There has been $98.2 million in new industrial development. (Of that total $66.5 million resulted from the city’s Enterprise Zone Program).
- Total employment jumped by 11% or a gain of 642 jobs.
- Nine new residential developments an investment exceeding $100 million have added 780 housing units (about two-thirds single-family and the rest apartments). This includes the new $16 million 78-unit Jesse Quinn mixed-use project an important addition to downtown Forest Grove’s ongoing renaissance.
- The city’s downtown revitalization has included more than $2 million in renovations. Some 24 new businesses including diverse restaurants micro-breweries and gift boutiques have opened or soon will be.
- Tourism has increased nearly 16% as measured by Washington County transient lodging taxes.

Daniella’s Gifts on Main
While these quantitative trends paint a picture of economic prosperity there are qualitative features they can’t quite capture: Forest Grove’s walkable historic downtown with unique shops and diverse eateries; the beautiful campus of Pacific University with its world-class programs and many public events; and an endless supply of entertainment from fun-filled community events to close access to some of Oregon’s finest natural areas and wineries. Our economic boom comes with an enviable lifestyle and full package of amenities.

MGC Pure’s new site in Forest Grove
But wait there’s more! That is to say despite all our growth we have room for more. And we offer many programs to help locate a business in Forest Grove. Call or visit us at City Hall for more information on doing business in Forest Grove all the advantages of locating here available sites and buildings and incentives and financing programs.